Settlement Services: | |
Lender's Title Policy: | |
Title Exam Fee: | |
* Title Exam Fee for Davidson only |
Owner's Title Policy: | |
Recording Tax: | |
Recording Deed: | |
Recording Deed of Trust (estimate): | |
Release tracking fee (per lien on property): | $35 |
E-Recording Fee: | $20 |
Document Security Fee: | $90 |
Payoff Handling Fee (per payoff): | $25 |
Construction Loan Non-Commencement Inspection Fee: | $75 |
*Includes Title Examination Fee.
If loan amount exceeds sales price,
please call for fees.
If purchase price is above $10 Million, or property is in Hamilton, Knox, or Shelby Counties, please call for a quote.
Please refer to your sales contract for specific contractual obligations on payment of the owner's and lender's title insurance premiums.